Backport Project

Named in reference to the action of porting a modern version of a software to an older one, the Backport Project is about recoloring sprites from Immaterial and Missing Power, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Hisoutensoku ("retro Touhou fighters") using the palettes from Hopeless Masquerade, Urban Legend in Limbo and Antinomy of Common Flowers ("modern Touhou fighters").

Naturally, this only applies to characters who appear in both eras of the Touhou fighting games.
All of these took me a long time to complete, but that's at least a collection I'm proud of.


1. All characters have recolors of their default palette.

2. All characters have recolors of their seven alternate palettes.

3. All characters have recolors of the silver and gold palettes awarded for beating, respectively, Story Mode and Overdrive in Antinomy of Common Flowers.

4. Reimu has recolors of her two palettes from Hopeless Masquerade's demo. (One of which is her default palette with minor shading differences.)

5. Marisa has recolors of her five palettes from Hopeless Masquerade's demo. (One of which is her default palette with minor shading differences.)

6. Reisen has two bonus palettes based on her human disguise and her lunacy powers' afterimage.

7. Tenshi has an additional default palette with paler skin and and grey shading instead of pink on the white parts of her sprite.
